The last couple of weeks I've been trying to be more present, better at keeping house, and better organized. I've actually had some success in keeping up with life a little. At this phase I'm actually getting things done and you know what, I'm doing more by doing less!
1. I took good old facebook and pinterest off of my phone. I'm not giving it up for good. I'm just not getting pulled in for 2 minutes here or 5 minutes there. I didn't realize how much time I spent before just looking at the updates that pop up on my phone.
2. I'm not multitasking quite as much. Ladies, the men kind of have it right on this one. Moms typically do 5 things all at once, because we have to. There is so much going on! Typically you're more efficient and complete tasks faster if we do them one at a time.
3. I eat the frog first. I take on the hardest part of the day early on. Now, this isn't always first thing of the day depending on how things are going (like the baby waking early or schedule restrictions), but rather starting out with the hard part when I have time to tackle it. I get stuff done during nap time, so the big item of the day happens as soon as little man goes down.
4. I get up earlier. Getting up before my toddler allows me time to fully wake up, shower, get a cup of coffee and have a quiet moment to myself before the craziness starts. Also if I've been running behind it gives me a chance to tidy up before we start the day. (This was not something I could do until we got to sleeping to a reasonable hour. The kiddo used to be up at 4 or 5am every morning... honey there is no getting up earlier sometimes!)
5. I have less stuff! There is less to clean and less to find a brilliant way of organizing when you get rid of the excess. After staging our house to sell in Idaho I realized I want to live more like the dream we were selling to home buyers. When you get ready to sell a house many of you will be told to get a storage unit and move things you don't absolutely need out. You do this so you can show people the extra space you have. I did this. Now we don't have a TON of things, especially by today's standards, but we have a lot of things we just don't need. We also tend to hang on to stuff between moves because we might need it in the next place and I don't want to get rid of it just to buy it again. Well, we both decided to not keep the extra stuff. We'll be going through our things and cleanse. Even with a bigger home we're getting rid of things. If it's not loved and used regularly it's gonna go.
6. I decided to be okay with the imperfect. There are times I only have time to get one thing done and the rest just has to wait for another day. It's okay if it isn't perfect. In some senses it's almost better. Some of the places I've felt most at home at are the places where people didn't apologize for living life. They cleaned and decorated and organized, but it wasn't perfect. If I don't get it all done there is always tomorrow and that's okay.
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